
Book jackets

I now have a gallery of all the book jackets I've done on this flickr page.

The pinetum

No drawings here only trees (pine)

And some moles.

Some of the pines were too special to look at....

Lost dog found wandering in the pinetum...


Credit crunch

3 jobs for the TUC commenting upon the credit crunch. I've already used up a monster squashing stuff, the jaws of death and a big down arrow- are there any other metaphors left?


Guardian Ads

One of a set of new press ads for The Guardians new subscription scheme. It features a variety of people/creatures but does not contain a man in a red and white stripy jumper and hat.

New screen printed postcards...


Virgin Atlantic

4 spreads in a calendar made for Virgin Atlantic. Commissioned by Start Creative.


Teacher books

2 new book jackets. If you're going to be a teacher you might come across these....


computer arts

Nick at Computer arts magazine has written a piece about my work and the clients that I've worked for.